Hello, folks...

We're on to next week's theme. Which is... GIRL POWER WEEK! Yup, we'll once again review films with strong female leads or co-leads who drive the action. Nothing better than beauty and brains in one tight package...

List of flicks below:

#233 - THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR: 1999 (AKA: My Average Relationship)

#234 - ENCHANTED APRIL: 1992 (AKA: A Month In Italy With Your Girlfriends. Sign. Me. Up.)

#235 - BASIC INSTINCT 2: 2006 (AKA: My Girl Catherine T. Is Up To Her Usual Shit Again)

#236 - MISS CONGENIALITY: 2000 (AKA: Sandra Bullock Gives Miss America The Birdy)

#237 - ALIEN 3: 1992 (AKA: Sigourney Weaver Shave It All Off, Pisses Off A Lot of ALIEN Fans)

#238 - CATWOMAN: 2004 (AKA: Halle Berry, You Better Hope Sean Young Doesn't Find You)

#239 - JULIE AND JULIA: 2009 (AKA: French Food Makes You Fat - But Not If Your Blog Gets Turned Into A Book!)

Once the last four Horror Flicks post by Tuesday night, we'll get back on track and start reviewing the above flicks...