Hello, all... I know I still owe you four Superhero Flicks reviews, but I'm going to go ahead and post next week's schedule. Our theme is another Soccer Movie Week in honor of back-to-back games between Seattle vs. Dallas on Wednesday night, and Mexico vs. Ecuador on Saturday.

Once the last of the Superhero Flick reviews posts, we will segue right into the first of our Soccer Flicks... It's going to be a kick. : )

# 343 - ITALIAN FOR BEGINNERS (AKA: When I'm Not Watching Soccer Games, I Teach Dorks How To Speak Italian)

# 344 - GRACIE (AKA: Don't You Fucking Tell Me I Can't Play Soccer Just Because I Have Tits)

# 345 - GOAL 3 (AKA: Our Boy Santiago Munez Guns For The FIFA World Cup)

# 346 - GREENSTREET HOOLIGANS (AKA: Bet This Isn't What You Had In Mind When You Moved To Oxford, Huh?)

# 347 - DARE TO DREAM (AKA: The Mia Hamm Story)

# 348 - CUP FINAL (AKA: Guns And Soccer Do Not Match - Except When They Do)

# 349 - JOYEUX NOEL (AKA: Even In War, Soccer Kicks Ass)

Have a great week, folks... Hang on for the ride!