REVIEW UPDATE: The Last 3 Superhero Flicks and The Soccer Flicks...

Hi, folks...

Hope everyone has a great start to the weekend. As you can see, I still owe you a shitload of reviews. Sorry for the delay. It's been a busy week. I'd hoped to at least get BATMAN RETURNS, DAREDEVIL, and ELEKTRA posted by last night, but another dive class yesterday put a stop to that. Diving is the most fun you can have (possibly next to watching a great soccer game or rubbing down someone's awesome hairy pecs with body oil), but it really takes the wind out of me afterwards.

Anyhow, because of more stuff today (Mexico vs. Ecuador!), I won't be able to get anything posted until much later today, possibly tomorrow. No worries, though. We will get there. Thanks for your patience.

Buon Sabato, folks!