REVIEW UPDATE: The Last Two Haunted House Flicks and the Seattle Vs. Portland Flicks...

Hello, folks. We're bearing down on our 365th review - and the end of this current run. Don't worry... I'll fill you in our future plans as we get closer to June 13 and Review # 365.

In the meantime, please note that we are almost on schedule - just two reviews behind: THE SHINING and THE WOMAN IN BLACK. Once those post tomorrow, we will segue into next week's Seattle Vs. Portland Flicks (formerly known as The Northwest Flicks) in honor of this coming Saturday's Sounders vs. Timbers game. List of films to be posted tomorrow...

In the meantime, have a great evening folks... And as with our other milestones, if you have a suggestion for review # 365, shoot me an email...
