Hiya, folks...

Just a quick note to apologize for not being able to post our Milestone Halfway Point Review, the wonderful 127 HOURS, tonight as promised. I had some social commitments to honor. The review will post tomorrow evening.

For now, though, allow me to offer an apology gift: a sneak peek at our themes for the coming weeks - something to look forward to. The actual film titles will be released as we move forward. Most of these are recommends, by the way, so thanks to everyone who sent stuff in. You know who you are...

CHRISTMAS WEEK (12/20/10 - 12/26/10): Christmas Flicks!

NEW YEAR'S WEEK (12/27/10 - 1/2/11): Party Flicks!

1ST FULL WEEK OF JANUARY (1/3/11 - 1/9/11): Americans Overseas Flicks!

2ND WEEK OF JANUARY: (1/10/11 - 1/16/11): Military Flicks!

Hope that give you folks something to look forward to...

Ciao - and please expect our Milestone Halfway Point review for 127 HOURS to post tomorrow. Then we're on to our Soccer Flicks for this week.

Thanks for everyone's patience...