REVIEW UPDATE: The last three Jelly Bean Grab Bag reviews...

Hi, folks... Please excuse me. I'd hoped to get HALF-NELSON, WAKING LIFE, and GLADIATOR posted by this evening, but I had to honor some social commitments tonight. I'm sure you understand... Grazie mille...

At any rate, I promise all three of them will post tomorrow. Then from Saturday to Sunday, I will somehow find time to: (1) go biking, (2) go running, (3) honor some more social commitments, and (4) get all SEVEN of the Action film reviews posted. How's that for masochism? I can do it. And I will.

Anyway, I have extra motivation to get all the Action film reviews in the can... because I cannot wait to start Russell Crowe Week starting Monday. Yes, sir... It's all my man Rusty, every single day of next week. I know we're reviewing GLADIATOR this week, but don't worry. He's got plenty of flicks to choose from.

Check out four of the trailers below, to include THE NEXT THREE DAYS, his latest which comes out on Nov 19. The full list will be released on Sunday night.

And now, I present Russell, The Pimp From Down Under:

And his latest: